Look through this week's KFCS Friday News Flash here: https://www.smore.com/znxm2
We need your input on "What thoughts or questions do you have about EagleRidge High School joining Klamath Falls City Schools as one of its high schools?". To gather your feedback, we're using a tool called ThoughtExchange. All of our voices matter, so your participation is crucial and valued.
Click here to participate: https://tejoin.com/scroll/569178560
You'll be asked to respond to one open-ended question, consider and assign stars to some of the ideas shared by others and learn what's important to the group.
Your thoughts and stars are confidential. You can come back as often as you'd like to participate and, in fact, we ask that you do come back to star some of the new ideas shared since you first participated.
All Klamath Falls City Schools will be closed today, January 10, 2024 due to inclement weather. All district activities are canceled as well.
All KFCS schools will be closed today, January 9, 2024 due to inclement weather. All district activities are canceled.
As winter break has arrived, look through this week's KFCS Friday News Flash to see happenings at the district. Enjoy the winter break! https://www.smore.com/wjdh9
Here is the December 8, 2023 edition of KFCS Friday News Flash: https://www.smore.com/8unmv
Look through the most recent edition of KFCS Friday News Flash here: https://www.smore.com/72sk1
Look to see what is going on at Klamath Falls City Schools in the latest edition of KFCS Friday News Flash here: https://www.smore.com/g76ct
Look through the following image attached regarding Ponderosa Bobcat Bucks and our Holiday Store.
The 25th annual Snowflake Mile will be Dec. 7. Pre-register by 12/4/2023. All proceeds will go to Klamath Union High School cross country and track and field teams. Look through the flyer for more information here: https://5il.co/292vz
Klamath Tribes Veterans Day Mini Powwow will be from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, November 11 at 320 South Chiloquin Blvd in Chiloquin.
The Ponderosa PTO cordially invites you to join us on a private tour of the Klamath Community College’s new Apprenticeship Center so we can learn more about the educational opportunities available for our kids. It would mean the world to us if you, the administration and parents, came out in support.
When: November 6th
Where: Klamath Community College’s new Apprenticeship Center (Building 10, 7390 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls)
Time: 6PM
What to Bring: Your appetite! The PTO is providing a delicious chili feed for all teachers and parents.
This new facility will help train Klamath students in industry-driven, high-quality trade programs and is a wonderful opportunity for teachers and parents to learn more about the educational opportunities available for our kids. The tour is a part of the PTO’s Parent Lecture and Networking Series, which offers free educational conversations featuring experts on a range of topics to equip Pondo parents and teachers with information, strategies, and support so we can help our children succeed. It is also an opportunity to build community.
The Klamath Tribal Health & Family Services Fall Newsletter is here! Please take a moment to read this free publication here: https://www.klamathtribalhealth.org/newsletter/
Klamath Falls City Schools is inviting the public to view, ask questions and comment on materials intended to be selected as the new High School Social Studies curriculum beginning in the 2024-2025 school year.
A district committee of teachers, parents, and building and district administrators selected the materials from a list of Oregon Department of Education approved materials and is inviting the community to view and comment on the selected materials.
Materials can be viewed at Klamath Union High School, 1300 Monclaire Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601. Materials will be available for viewing the week of October 30 through November 3 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sign up for Ponderosa boys basketball today for 7th and 8th graders! Permission slips can be found in the Ponderosa main gym. Practice starts Monday, October 30.
At around 12:20, the Klamath Falls City Schools District Office, along with Klamath Learning Center, went into lockdown after there was a shooting in apartments across the street off Avalon Street. At 1:10 p.m., the lockdown was lifted after there was no threat in the area according to law enforcement. Please call the District Office at 541-883-4719 with any questions.
Staff got their crazy socks on to sock it to bullying! Ponderosa students and staff wore their unique and silliest socks today. Ponderosa is doing this in honor of National Bullying Prevention Month. We want to advocate for others and prevent unfortunate events from happening. There is also a contest with this, and the winners win Bobcat Bucks.
Nightmare at the Fair Maze of Terror will be from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. October 30 at the Klamath County Fairgrounds. The event will be put on by Klamath Union Digital Media.
Look through the flyer for more information along with a link for a promo video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2wkJaGEeQQ
You Matter to Klamath Suicide Prevention Video Contest is now open. Look through the flyer for contest information and visit the link for contest rules and details: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFuKCQL4IY/qvqVc63vgQCqbEFK1hBunw/view?utm_content=DAFuKCQL4IY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=viewer
We encourage families to come to parent and teacher conferences this week. There is no school Friday, Oct. 13. Parent-teacher conferences will run 4 p.m to 8 p.m. on Oct 12 and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Oct. 13. Please call your school with any questions.