Does your child have symptoms of COVID? Wondering if your child can go to school?
Heather Allensworth, RN; Larissa Fain, RN; and Marissa Ritzenthaler, RN

1336 Avalon Street
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603
Phone: 541-883-4745
Fax: 541-883-4706
Dena Haudenshild, Supervisor
Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
May 06, 2025 is National Nurses Day

May 6th-12th is National Nurses Week
Oregon Department of Education and Oregon Health Authority Health Guidance for Going to School
Dear Klamath Falls City Schools families, the Oregon Department of Education and Oregon Health Authority have come up with a guidance around when a student should stay home sick. Please review the following document as a health guidance for going to school.
Health Services in the Klamath Falls City Schools are coordinated and supervised by registered nurses (RNs). The services provided through a school-based health program include identification of health concerns, nursing assessments, and the development of individual care plans to ensure a safe school experience for students with health-related concerns.
Health Management for chronic illness
Seek input from licensed medical providers and parents
Develop health care plans
Staff training for medical procedures (including nurse delegation)
Supervise and follow up medical procedures
Work with school administrators, food service, and teachers to create nut-aware zones for students with severe allergies
Nurses available for consultation during school hours
Medication Management (for medications required during school hours)
State approved medication administration training and ongoing supervision
Emergency Medication Training
Epi-pen administration
Glucagon administration
Acute Illness Assessment
Recommendations regarding a student's sudden symptoms of illness
Guidance to school personnel (referral to ER, rest, home, doctor)
Community Resource Referrals
Primary care providers
Acute care providers
Vision care
Dental care
Food and other basic needs
Coordinate with schools and families to help students access mental health, behavioral health, and other health needs that may arise
Oregon Health Plan (Healthy Kids Program)
School nurses play an essential role in keeping children healthy, safe, and ready to learn. They are members of a unique discipline of professional nursing and are often the sole healthcare provider in an academic setting.
Student Ilness & Injury Guidelines
Early in the morning, it is often difficult to make a decision about whether or not your child is too sick to go to school. With minor symptoms, you often cannot discern whether or not they are going to get better or worse during the course of the day.
Most of these problems need to be discussed with your child’s healthcare provider to determine if an office visit is needed. On the other hand, children who don’t have a fever and only have a mild cough, runny nose or other cold/allergy symptoms usually can be sent to school without any harm to themselves or others.
The following guidelines may help in your decision-making process: