Equity Statement
The Klamath Falls City Schools Board of Education firmly believes that being anti-racist, and eliminating racial inequities, discrimination, and institutional bias will increase achievement and graduation rates for our students while closing achievement and opportunity gaps. We are committed to providing an environment for our students where dreams and goals are nurtured, history and cultural heritage are celebrated, love of learning is fostered, and educational, physical, emotional, and social needs are met.
All students are entitled to a high-quality educational experience, free from discrimination or harassment based on perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin.
All employees are entitled to work in an environment that is free from discrimination or harassment based on perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin .
All visitors are entitled to participate in an environment that is free from discrimination or harassment based on perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin .
“Bias incident” means a person’s hostile expression of animus toward another person, relating to the other person’s perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin, of which criminal investigation or prosecution is impossible or inappropriate. Bias incidents may include derogatory language or behavior directed at or about any of the preceding demographic groups.
“Symbol of hate” means a symbol, image, or object that expresses animus on the basis of race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin including, the noose, swastika, or confederate flag , and whose display:
Is reasonably likely to cause a substantial disruption of or material interference with school activities; or
Is reasonably likely to interfere with the rights of students by denying them full access to the services, activities, and opportunities offered by a school.
The district prohibits the use or display of any symbols of hate on district and/or school grounds or in any district- or school-sponsored program, service, school or activity that is funded in whole or part by monies appropriated by the Oregon Legislative Assembly, except where used in teaching curriculum that is aligned to the Oregon State Standards.
In responding to the use of any symbols of hate, the district will use non-disciplinary remedial action whenever appropriate.
The district prohibits retaliation against an individual because that person has filed a charge, testified, assisted or participated in an investigation, proceeding or hearing; and further prohibits anyone from coercing, intimidating, threatening or interfering with an individual for exercising any rights guaranteed under state and federal law.
Nothing in this policy is intended to interfere with the lawful use of district facilities pursuant to a lease or license.
The district will use administrative regulation ACB-AR - Bias Incident Complaint Procedure to process reports or complaints of bias incidents.