ThoughtExchange - Engaging Families in Two-Way Conversation
In today's world of seemingly unlimited ways for a school district to communicate with families, engaging with them and receiving feedback is very important.
In fact, KFCS has set a goal to provide a method for parents and community members to provide feedback in order to gauge satisfaction with specific educational programs and initiatives taking place in our schools.
We use a communications tool called ThoughtExchange. It allows the sharing thoughts confidentially to ensure all voices are heard and all divergent views can come to light around a shared topic of interest or concern.
ThoughtExchange is not a survey tool, rather, it engages interaction as people respond anonymously with other participants.
A broad question is posed and people are invited to respond.
Thoughts are shared anonymously with others participating in the exchange.
Participants rate (using 1-5 stars) their agreement with each thought.
Data is gathered for analysis and used as input for decision-making.
Information learned through ThoughtExchange will be used to gauge parent and community participation and understanding in interactions with school staff and administrators.
Results from exchanges
November 2024 - What are some important perspectives to consider as we plan to replace Ponderosa Middle School in the years to come? View results
October 2024 - How should KFCS change parent-teacher conferences and improve parent involvement in our schools? View results
February 2024 - What are the most important things our schools should consider as we work together to prepare our students for their future? View results
January 2024 - What thoughts or questions do you have about EagleRidge High School joining Klamath Falls City Schools as one of its high schools? Click Here for Results
September 2023 - What is working well, and what opportunities are there for improvement in our schools regarding student dress code? Click Here for Results
What is working well, and what opportunities are there for improvement in our schools regarding school breakfast and lunch? Click Here for the Results
What is important for us to consider as the district explores potentially changing the Wednesday school day from late start to early release for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years?
What is important things and perspectives for the district to consider as we review our current mission & vision statements? Click Here for Results