Board Oath:
Any elected or appointed Board of Education member must qualify by taking an oath of office before assuming the duties of office. The oath of office is as follows:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the state of Oregon and the laws thereof, and the policies of the Klamath Falls City School District. During my term, I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the Office of School Board Member to the best of my ability.

Andrea Jensen
Zone 1 (Roosevelt)
Term Expires 6/30/2027

Andrew Biggs
Zone 2 (At-large)
Term Expires 6/30/2027

Vanessa Bennett
Zone 3 (Conger)
Term Expires 6/30/2025

Kathy Hewitt
Zone 4 (Mills)
(Term Expires 6/30/2027)

Trina Perez
Zone 5 (Pelican)
Board Chair
(Term Expires 6/30/2027)

Patrick Fenner
Zone 6 (At-large)
(Term Expires 6/30/2025)

Ashley Wendt-Lusich
Zone 7 (At-large)
Board Vice Chair
(Term Expires 6/30/2025)
When contacting the Board of Education, have you considered these steps first?
Have you:
Contacted the school teacher or principal?
Contacted the Superintendent's office?
Referred to Board policy KL (click here for Policy KL)?
If you have followed the suggestions and still want to contact the KFCS Board of Education, click the link below.
Members of the KFCS Board of Education are locally elected public officials entrusted with governing the Klamath Falls City Schools. The role of the Board of Education is to ensure that the district is responsive to the values, beliefs and priorities of our community.
KFCS Board of Education Roles and Key Actions
Citizen oversight of local government is the cornerstone of democracy in the United States. School board members are locally elected public officials entrusted with governing a community’s public schools. The role of the school board is to ensure that school districts are responsive to the values, beliefs, and priorities of their communities. Boards fulfill this role by performing five major responsibilities:
Setting direction
Establishing an effective and efficient structure
Providing support
Ensuring accountability
Providing community leadership as advocates for children, the school district, and public schools
These five responsibilities represent core functions that are so fundamental to a school system’s accountability to the public that they can only be performed by an elected governing body. Authority is granted to the board as a whole, not each member individually. Therefore, board members fulfill these responsibilities by working together as a governance team with the superintendent to make decisions that will best serve all the students in the community.
The Klamath Falls City Schools Board of Education is a 7-member board , each elected for a term of four-years by registered voters residing in the district. Members of the board meet in open-session monthly at the Lucile O'Neill Education Center.
Key Actions for the Board of Education:
Establish a clear vision of student achievement as the top priority of the board, staff and community.
Set clear standards for student performance, basing those standards on external sources that have credibility in the community.
Establish an assessment process that uses multiple measures to determine whether standards are being met. Fully explain this process to the community.
Determine an appropriate means of measuring performance, tracking progress and reporting results to the community.
Align resources in support of student achievement, facilitate parent involvement in the education process, and include the community in the review of the budgeting and management of resources.
Foster a positive climate for learning in which the staff is empowered to address the needs of all students. The board sets the tone by modeling respectful, professional behavior.
Develop ongoing relationships with political, business and other leaders to build consensus on student achievement.
Commit to ongoing education and training on achievement issues, relying on data when setting priorities and considering both empirical data and community input when adjusting the strategic plan.
Source: OSBA publication "Boardsmanship for Oregon School District, Education Service District and Community College Board Members;" page 2.