Klamath Union High School has its Klamath Basin Potato Festival contestant this year. Senior Dakota Age has been busy representing and promoting herself as this year’s Miss Klamath Union.
This year will be the 86th annual potato festival in Merrill. Every year, KU has a representative. Klamath Union counselor Jennifer Spicher encouraged Age to participate, who did not hesitate. Age’s focus has been promoting herself and the rigorous task of selling raffle tickets for $2 apiece.
The KU senior has spent time during passing time, lunch time, as well as before and after school, seeing if her peers and KU staff, would help her raise money to sell the most possible raffle tickets overall.
“I did not think it would be as difficult as it is but I definitely like it,” Age said. “I have posted on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat that I am in this festival. It is OK if students are not able to buy a ticket. Teachers have the money and students don’t but I have had people be very generous.”
Though selling the most raffle tickets does not guarantee her to win the competition, Age has a goal in mind of selling as many as she can. She has to reach the quota of 750 tickets. Ultimately, Age will be judged on her poise and personality, along with how she competes in a talent show, where she will eventually find out if she will be crowned queen.
The festival’s talent show and coronation will be held at 4 p.m. October 14 at the Merrill Civic Center. The event provides a dinner for $25. Tickets can be purchased at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/klamath-basin-potato-festival-queen-coronation-talent-show-and-dinner-tickets-722987353637?aff=ebdssbdestsearch until October 8.
She has already participated in three parades for the festival, along with participation in the Lost River Bluegrass Festival and the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair. The festival's parade, along with raffle prizes, music and food, will be October 21.
Age has devoted hours of volunteer work as part of Integral Youth Services. As a Klamath Falls City Schools student, she has been in an Advancement Via Individual Determination class since the seventh grade. She has always been adamant about giving back, and desires to be an elementary school teacher someday.