1336 Avalon Street
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603
Fax: 541-850-2762
Alyssa Cox, Transportation Secretary Phone: 541-883-4700 ext. 7300
Krista Lane, Transportation Specialist Phone: 541-883-4700 ext. 7301
Hours: 6:00 AM -6:00 PM
Welcome to the Klamath Falls City Schools!
Our district boundary map tool is designed to help your family learn which school your student(s) will attend based on the physical street address of your home. There may be other factors which ultimately affect the school a student will attend, such as Individual Education Plans (IEP) or other special considerations. For questions regarding transportation (bus routes/times), please call the Transportation department at 541-883-4716.
You can find where you live by dragging the map with your mouse and using the + and - buttons, click on the map to display school attendance areas for that place.
Or use the Find address or place tool (located to the far right of the screen). If using the address search tool, add "Klamath Falls" at the end of the address. Example "2845 Greensprings Dr. Klamath Falls."
Once you find your address, hover over the arrow and click, this will show you the elementary, middle school and high school district in which you reside.
If you need assistance with the map please call Krista or Alyssa.
Below, please find a general overview map of our district.