About Klamath Union High School
Klamath Union, or KU as it’s locally known, is a comprehensive high school with a long and distinguished history of excellence in academics, arts, and athletics. First built in 1928, an extensive $50 million remodel was completed in 2019, creating modern improvements and state-of-the-art facilities for teaching and learning. KU technology and multi-faceted education programs provide students with excellent opportunities to prepare for the future. Many dual credit classes in partnership with OIT, KCC, and SOU offer pathways to careers and colleges. KU boasts exceptional arts programs in vocal and instrumental music, fine arts, and theater. A spectacular 250-seat theater was created in the new James Ivory Arts Center. Athletic improvements include new artificial turf on Modoc Field, resurfaced track and tennis courts, and creation of an additional gymnasium for classes and competitions. KU’s historic Pel Court has been restored to its original beauty and design.

Rod Heyen

1300 Monclaire Street
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Phone: 541-883-4710
Fax: 541-885-4276
Office Hours 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Adam Randall

Vice Principal, Curriculum, Career and Technical Education
Tyler Baker

Athletic Director/Vice Principal
Sandy Yazzie

Dean of Students
Pelican Pete

Tammy DeHart

Head Secretary/Bookkeeper
Christy Smith

Clerical Secretary
Evonne Bonser

Athletic Secretary
We want to win the day, every day!
Public Notices, Pesticide Application Notifications
What is going at Klamath Union High School