Photo: Klamath Union CTE Media Design instructor, Dan Stearns (wearing red KU hat) along with digital media students Emily Wiley (yellow shirt) and Daina Hernandez-Alvarado helping document a trip to California KFCS members took to study and tour two robust CTE programs, part of a long-range facilities plan for Ponderosa Middle School.
The Oregon Department of Education Career and Technical Education Revitalization Grant team made its official notification the Klamath Falls City Schools Klamath Union High School Media Entrepreneurial Enterprises grant was awarded in full for $249,755.
Klamath Union CTE Media Design instructor, Dan Stearns, applied for the grant which will bring an assortment of new equipment to the program.
Through the grant, the KU CTE Digital Media program is continuing the development of the CTE Digital Media career pathway by creating a new CTE program named, KU Media Entrepreneurial Enterprises.
The new program will be an on-site, student-run CTE Digital Media business which provides students hands-on experiences and opportunities for entrepreneurship in photography, graphic design and video production.
“This innovative venture is designed to offer practical, real-world experiences in digital media, marketing, and business management, helping students bridge the gap between academic learning and professional readiness,” Stearns said.
The development includes two additional programs in KFCS. Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year will be the start of a new CTE digital media bridge program at Ponderosa Middle School. This will introduce students to digital media careers, serving as a feeder to KU Media Entrepreneurial Enterprises.
The second addition will be the creation of a CTE Summer Immersion and Skills Academy where industry experts engage students in real-world, four one-week work experiences, providing students with the knowledge, skills and experience to join KU Media Entrepreneurial Enterprises.
Stearns said $35,000 of the grant will go into the Summer Immersion and Skills Academy. In all, there were 66 applications for the grant and 31 projects were recommended for funding.
“This would not be possible without the help of our district staff and our community partners in the writing of this grant,” Stearns said.
The ODE CTE Revitalization Grant team gave high praise to the submitted grant.
"I liked how the applicant specifically called out students in poverty and American Indian and Alaska Native individuals,” members of ODE said. “Hallmark example of a complete application."
Additionally, the grant will help buy new equipment, specifically fiber cables to help broadcast events anywhere in Klamath Union, along with getting a quality sound booth and green screen.
With the new grant, KU TV will be fully funded. The program is also looking at buying an improved embroidery machine for designs on hats and merchandise and have everything printed at Klamath Union.
Bringing a new digital media program will have Stearns train a teacher at Ponderosa. As of now, Stearns is hoping there will be two classes at Ponderosa for digital media, one in digital photography and one in design.
Stearns will use funds from the grant to purchase computers at Ponderosa for the digital media program. The program will target eighth grade students, or possibly younger grades.
“I always wanted to create a feeder from Pondo,” Stearns said. “Students can already earn dual credit in digital media and earn a certificate through Klamath Community College, earning 16 college credits if they take all four weeks. For the Summer Immersion and Skills Academy, students can work in the summer. In the morning they can design a logo and the next morning, they are already printing it on a shirt.”
Stearns said spring time will be when some of the new equipment will arrive.
“All the money we get from events like being a DJ, helping with a sound system, or weddings, we take that money into the student account and a portion goes into the general account,” Stearns said. “We used money we earned from working for a trip to Hawaii last year. These trips, though, we go to far places, but we film to use content for competitions we apply for during the school year.”
Klamath Union CTE Media Design instructor, Dan Stearns (wearing red KU hat) along with digital media student Emily Wiley (yellow shirt) helping document a trip to California KFCS members took to study and tour two robust CTE programs, part of a long-range facilities plan for Ponderosa Middle School.
Klamath Union Class of 2023 digital media students posing for a photo with instructor Dan Stearns during the high school's Senior Awards Night.