Vocational Independence Program
The Vocational Independence Program (VIP) serves students in our community who are 18 to 21 years of age with special needs. Our goal is to help our young adults transition smoothly into life after school so they can live as independently as possible within our community.
We believe that with high quality transition support services, every student will gain the confidence to make their own decisions, take personal responsibility for their actions, and build knowledge of their rights as individuals to become a valuable asset to the workplace and community.
For more information on Transition Education in Oregon, click here.
Program Intentions:
VIP provides guidance, support, and resources for students to reach their highest level of independence. We work to empower and educate our students as they transition to life after high school.
Desired outcomes include:
A personalized transition plan based upon the strengths and interests of the individual student.
A portfolio of community and work experiences.
A network of support that continues with a student beyond their exit from the school system.
Active student engagement in a schedule of meaningful work and community activities
Community Experiences:
Activities are provided outside the classroom that prepare the students for participation in community life. These activities can include social, recreational, leisure, shopping, banking, transportation or employment opportunities.
Student-created Learning:
Student-created learning gives students a voice and a choice. Young adults are empowered to create their own schedules and select their own activities in alignment with their transition goals.
Examples of student-created learning include practicing life skills, volunteering in the community, mentoring others, pursuing a college education, and/or taking workforce and community education classes. These activities will provide the foundation for their portfolio of community and work experiences.
Click on the link below to view / download the current school year calendar.

Douglas getting ready to work on his cooking skills.

Roland playing games on the Chromebook.