About Klamath Learning Center
All students deserve to have an equal chance at academic success but not every student learns in the same way. Alternative schools provide students with unique challenges or abilities an opportunity to succeed in a different educational setting.
This small, alternative school is designed to meet the unique educational needs of grade 9-12 students who have struggled in more traditional settings. Diploma, GED and Home School options are available to students. We continue to implement Positive Behavior and Intervention Support.
KLC's alternative learning program is designed for high school students who are either credit deficient, have transferred and need to make up some credits, want to explore courses not offered on our regular schedule, or students who find that their learning style is better suited for independent/on-line learning. The Alt Ed program is very flexible and strives to meet each student’s education needs and current interests as well as helping them gain the skills needed for their post-graduation plans.
Toby Flackus


Joelene Grande

Dean of Students
Kassidy Estep


2856 Eberlein Avenue
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
Phone: 541-883-4719
Fax: 541-885-4281
Office Hours
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (M , T, TH, F)
8:00 - 2:00 PM (Wednesday)
Jeanette Rubio

Office Secretary

Registering at KLC
Klamath Learning Center is now a referral-only school. If you receive a referral from your KFCS school of origin, please call us!
KLC requires an intake appointment for all incoming students so we ask parents of potential students to call for more information and to schedule an appointment.
Call us at 541-883-4719 for more information.
Educational Blocks
AM Block
(Monday through Friday)
8:15-11:45 AM
PM Block
(Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday)
12:15-3:45 PM
PM Block - Early Release
12:15-2:15 PM
PM Block - Early Release Friday
12:15 - 3:30PM
Have a great idea? We want to hear it!