We want to thank all our staff, parents and students on a great year at KFCS. Look through KFCS News Flash for what is going on in the school district: https://www.smore.com/3evk9
Look through this week's KFCS News Flash, including a message from KFCS Superintendent Keith A. Brown regarding graduations this weekend. Link: https://www.smore.com/0fp15
Klamath Falls City Schools food menu's for the month of June.
Conger Wellness Carnival, Roosevelt Science Night and many more KFCS events are featured in this week's KFCS News Flash here: https://www.smore.com/a5mju
Pesticide application notification at Conger Elementary starting at 7 a.m. Tuesday, May 23.
We want to thank all our teachers for all the hard work and dedication they put forth for our school district. Teacher Appreciation Week was this week. Here are some of our teachers at KFCS. To all our teachers we say, thank you. For more photos, find our KFCS Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/Klamath.Falls.City.Schools
All-City Band, Conger students making bread from scratch, Klamath County Fire District 1 visits Mills, are all mentioned in this week's KFCS News Flash here: https://www.smore.com/sjpf8
Breakfast and lunch menus for Klamath Falls City Schools for the month of May.
Pesticide application notification at Klamath Union, Roosevelt, Conger and Klamath Early Childhood Development Center April 26.
Look for school breakfast and lunch menus here for the month of April. Please reference our Nutrition Services page for updated lists: https://www.kfalls.k12.or.us/page/nutrition-services
Look to see what happened this week at KFCS in this week's KFCS News Flash: https://www.smore.com/1ecy8
Here is this week's KFCS News Flash: https://www.smore.com/vydex
Happy Classified Staff Appreciation Week! Look for a mention about classified appreciation week as well as countless other district events to come and a message from Superintendent Keith A. Brown in this week's KFCS News Flash: https://www.smore.com/q1642
Look to see what is happening at KFCS in this week's KFCS News Flash: https://www.smore.com/w30mh
Check to see what is going on at KFCS in this week's KFCS News Flash: https://www.smore.com/apexc
Look for a mention about National School Counseling Week in this week's edition of KFCS News Flash: https://www.smore.com/64bdr
You are invited to participate in our survey to help us plan for the Klamath Falls City Schools' Title VI Indian Education program. In this survey, you will be asked about future services, activities, and offerings from the program for our students and community.
Your response is kindly requested by Friday, February 10, 2023. Here is the link for the survey: https://form.jotform.com/KFCS/title-vi-survey-2022-23
Ponderosa PTO will be putting together two events this coming Monday. How to Navigate Social Media - Creating Guidance + Awareness, will be a special presentation for all Klamath Falls City Schools and Klamath County School District 8th Graders. The presentation will start at 9:45 a.m. Monday, February 6 at the Mills Auditorium at Mills Elementary School (520 E. Main Street).
A similar presentation will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, February 6 at the Ponderosa Middle School cafeteria, with guest speaker, Alison Martin. This presentation is for parents and teachers. Dinner will be provided.
Look for an assortment of announcements throughout KFCS as you look through this week's edition of KFCS Friday News Flash here: https://www.smore.com/rmz9ed
Before the winter break, Klamath Falls City Schools sent out a survey regarding ‘what is working well, and what opportunities are there for improvement in our schools regarding school breakfast and lunch?’
We want to thank you for your participation and for taking the time to include your thoughts in this survey. We have read your thoughts and comments and want to let you know you have been heard. Your participation in this survey will help us as we move forward for what is best in all our school cafeterias at KFCS.
Please review the following information and please respond to us with any questions regarding this survey.
KFCS Food Service Survey Thought Exchange Summary.pptx
Antes de las vacaciones de invierno, Klamath Falls City Schools enviaron una encuesta sobre "¿qué está funcionando bien y qué oportunidades hay para mejorar en nuestras escuelas con respecto al desayuno y el almuerzo escolar?"
Queremos darle las gracias por su participación y por tomarse el tiempo para incluir sus pensamientos en esta encuesta. Hemos leído sus pensamientos y comentarios y queremos hacerle saber que ha sido escuchado. Su participación en esta encuesta nos ayudará a medida que avanzamos en busca de lo mejor en todas nuestras cafeterías escolares en KFCS.
Revise la siguiente información y respóndanos cualquier pregunta relacionada con esta encuesta.
KFCS Food Service Survey Thought Exchange Summary.pptx